Delhi Daredevils defeated Kolkata Knight Riders by 55 runs in the 26th match of IPL tournament held on Friday (April 27th) in 2018. In this match Captain Shreyas Iyer scored 93 * and Prithvi Shaw 62 runs in the innings. During this time, Shaw also took an Achievement title. He has become the youngest batsman in the history of the IPL tournament to have a fifty at the young age. He finished this career playing his second IPL match
In this match against Kolkata, Prithvi Shaw played 62 balls in 44 balls. In which he put seven fours and two sixes.
- Playing the second match of the IPL career, the Earth put it at 18 years and 169 days. Along with this, he has become the youngest batsmen in the history of the 11-year history at the youngest.
In this match against Kolkata, Prithvi Shaw played 62 balls in 44 balls. In which he put seven fours and two sixes.
- Playing the second match of the IPL career, the Earth put it at 18 years and 169 days. Along with this, he has become the youngest batsmen in the history of the 11-year history at the youngest.
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