The first match of the IPL 2018 season was played on Saturday night between Mumbai Indians and Chennai SuperKings. This was the first match of the history of the tournament, in which DRS (Decision Review System) was used. The Chennai team captain has a tremendous hold on the DRS, so his fans also call this technique as a Dhoni review system. But after this, Dhoni was not interested in bringing this technique to IPL. Surprisingly, the technique that they were against was first used against their own team.
In this match, Chennai team won the toss and decided to field first. This incident took place in 2.1 overs during the innings of Mumbai, when Ivann Lewis missed playing Deepak Chahar's ball and the ball hit his pads.
After this, other players of Chennai, including Chahar, appealed for lbw, after which the umpire gave them out.
In this match, Chennai team won the toss and decided to field first. This incident took place in 2.1 overs during the innings of Mumbai, when Ivann Lewis missed playing Deepak Chahar's ball and the ball hit his pads.
After this, other players of Chennai, including Chahar, appealed for lbw, after which the umpire gave them out.
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