In the 20-year-old black deer hunting case, Jodhpur court sentenced Salman to five years in jail, convicting him. However, the remaining 4 actors have been acquitted. Let me tell you that, in 1998, during the shooting of the film 'Hum Saath Ke Hain Hai', this case was revealed, after which Salman had three cases. Two deer hunting and one of the illegal weapons. During these three cases, there were many interesting sentences. In this package we are telling about ...
- Salman got great relief in the Arms Act case in January 2017. Jodhpur Court acquitted Salman However, the court asked Salman to be presently present.
- From the morning on the day of the judgment, there was a huge crowd of Salman Khan's fans outside the court. Salman had to reach court in the morning, but he did not arrive from time.
- As soon as the court reached the court, the judge asked Salman - your name? Salman responds - Salman Khan After this the judge said, today you are present in the court. Salman's answer was - Yes. Then the judge pronouncing a half-line operative verdict - you are acquitted.
- Salman got great relief in the Arms Act case in January 2017. Jodhpur Court acquitted Salman However, the court asked Salman to be presently present.
- From the morning on the day of the judgment, there was a huge crowd of Salman Khan's fans outside the court. Salman had to reach court in the morning, but he did not arrive from time.
- As soon as the court reached the court, the judge asked Salman - your name? Salman responds - Salman Khan After this the judge said, today you are present in the court. Salman's answer was - Yes. Then the judge pronouncing a half-line operative verdict - you are acquitted.
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