Chris Gayle started the IPL with his fantastic batting. In just four innings, he has already registered his name with a century and two half-centuries. Ness Wadia has said that because of his low purse at the auction, he did not want to bid for Gayle for this reason, thus he did not want to take the risk of bidding.
"We only had 2.1 million left, and if we had bid for Chris in the auction earlier and the other team came with the counter bid, then we had no money to buy them. Fortunately, no other team for them The bid was not made and we succeeded by bid for the third time and were happy with that, "Wadia talked to the Sportstar and said," Talking to the Sportstar.
In this way Chris Gayle has done a fantastic job in the match and won the hearts of the Kings XI Punjab team and the other franchise has received a crude response and now he is in the Orange Cap race.
"We only had 2.1 million left, and if we had bid for Chris in the auction earlier and the other team came with the counter bid, then we had no money to buy them. Fortunately, no other team for them The bid was not made and we succeeded by bid for the third time and were happy with that, "Wadia talked to the Sportstar and said," Talking to the Sportstar.
In this way Chris Gayle has done a fantastic job in the match and won the hearts of the Kings XI Punjab team and the other franchise has received a crude response and now he is in the Orange Cap race.
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