Sridevi's daughter Jahnavi Kapoor is busy shopping these after the shooting of her upcoming movie 'Dhadk'. On Wednesday, he appeared with friends on the streets of Mumbai. Meanwhile, a boy came in front of him and demanded self-sale from Jahnavi. Jahnavi also made a selfie with his fan smiling.
On the streets of Mumbai, spot appeared in Jahnavi Kapoor Shorts.
They wear white t-shirts and orange color shorts.
There were guards and some friends along with them.
- Please tell that Jahnavi is debuting with Dharmar, who is making a film under the banner of Dharma Productions.
- Ishaan Khattar, brother of Shahid Kapoor, is also debuting with him in the movie Dhadk.
- The movie 'Dhadk' is a remake of the Marathi film 'Sarat', which will be released in July this year.
On the streets of Mumbai, spot appeared in Jahnavi Kapoor Shorts.
They wear white t-shirts and orange color shorts.
There were guards and some friends along with them.
- Please tell that Jahnavi is debuting with Dharmar, who is making a film under the banner of Dharma Productions.
- Ishaan Khattar, brother of Shahid Kapoor, is also debuting with him in the movie Dhadk.
- The movie 'Dhadk' is a remake of the Marathi film 'Sarat', which will be released in July this year.
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