Shagun, the actress Anita Hassanandani of the TV show 'Ye Hai Mohabbatein', has become 37 years old on April 14. He celebrated his birthday, especially with family, in Goa. Recently, photos of Anita's Birthday Celebration have come up in which she is not only drinking hokkaas but also being able to drink with her father-in-law. These photos of Anita are becoming quite viral on social media. Let her father-in-law be retired army officer and son Rohit is very close to his daughter Anita
Anita and Rohit used to come out for workouts at the same gym. Anita had met her for the first time. Both of them got together and Kapal started going to the Pub Parties together.
After some time, his friendship turned into love, and Anita married Telugu boyfriend on October 14, 2013. Rohit Bijeseman is his business spread in Goa.
Anita and Rohit used to come out for workouts at the same gym. Anita had met her for the first time. Both of them got together and Kapal started going to the Pub Parties together.
After some time, his friendship turned into love, and Anita married Telugu boyfriend on October 14, 2013. Rohit Bijeseman is his business spread in Goa.
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