Recently a workout video of Kareena Kapoor has surfaced. In which they seem to sweat while doing airplanes. The special thing is that Kareena's own workout video has been shared by her gym trainer Namrata Purohit, who has been guiding her for a long time. Kareena is very active about fitness, she is specially for her, for her humility, 65000 rupees a month. Gives fees Let me tell you, the fees for 12 classes of humility will be Rs. 32000. And the month is Rs 65000 Charges
Namrata had told that after 45 days of delivery (20 December 2016) Kareena had come to him in February 2017 and he had said that he was feeling sluggish.
At the same time, he had to start shooting his film (Veerre The Wedding), for which he needed to be energized. In such a situation, gentleness took the responsibility of making them fit like before before pregnancy.
Namrata had told that after 45 days of delivery (20 December 2016) Kareena had come to him in February 2017 and he had said that he was feeling sluggish.
At the same time, he had to start shooting his film (Veerre The Wedding), for which he needed to be energized. In such a situation, gentleness took the responsibility of making them fit like before before pregnancy.
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