Salman's lawyer Mahesh Boda said that in this case for 20 years, Salman was always on bail. They always followed the order of the court and whenever they were called, they were present. In such a way, they will be granted bail. Public prosecutor Pokarram said that the witnesses and postmortem report clearly shows that Salman has shot a deer by shooting. On this basis, he was convicted by the trial court. In such a way, they should not be granted bail.
At the same time, Vishnoi society lawyer Mahipal Bishnoi said that the charges against Salman have been proved. In such a situation, instead of giving them bail, the case should be heard in prison soon. Based on the evidence, they will be considered further guilty.
Salman's lawyer Mahesh Bowda has claimed to have received threat from underworld don Ravi Pujari. Boda said that internet calling started on Thursday evening. If they did not attend the call, 8 to 10 messages were received till Friday morning. The message that came in the name of Ravi Pujari was written 'Leave Salman's Case or else will kill'.
At the same time, Vishnoi society lawyer Mahipal Bishnoi said that the charges against Salman have been proved. In such a situation, instead of giving them bail, the case should be heard in prison soon. Based on the evidence, they will be considered further guilty.
Salman's lawyer Mahesh Bowda has claimed to have received threat from underworld don Ravi Pujari. Boda said that internet calling started on Thursday evening. If they did not attend the call, 8 to 10 messages were received till Friday morning. The message that came in the name of Ravi Pujari was written 'Leave Salman's Case or else will kill'.
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