Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor is going to marry boyfriend Anand Ahuja. Both of them will be married on May 7-8. If reports are to be believed, Sridevi's daughter Jahnavi will perform in the music ceremony of Kapoor's sister Sonam's marriage. He will give his performance on the song "Chandni" of Sridevi's film "My hands in nine-nine bangles ..." Jahnavi has been practicing dance practice these days.
Jahnavi will not only listen to songs of 'Chandni', but will also perform the songs of Sridevi's film 'Crusader', 'No one will come to the hands of this girl ...'.
- Sonam Kapoor's bungalow in Juhu, these days, the preparations for the Music Ceremonies are going on floors.
- Let's say Jahnavi is stepping into the upcoming movie 'Dhadk' in Bollywood.
- This movie, released in July, is a remake of Marathi film 'Sarat'.
- The film is produced under the banner of Dharma Production.
Jahnavi will not only listen to songs of 'Chandni', but will also perform the songs of Sridevi's film 'Crusader', 'No one will come to the hands of this girl ...'.
- Sonam Kapoor's bungalow in Juhu, these days, the preparations for the Music Ceremonies are going on floors.
- Let's say Jahnavi is stepping into the upcoming movie 'Dhadk' in Bollywood.
- This movie, released in July, is a remake of Marathi film 'Sarat'.
- The film is produced under the banner of Dharma Production.
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