Abhishek Bachchan lives with parents in Mumbai. A user tweeted this on their behalf - Do not spoil your life, remember that Abhishek Bachchan still lives with his parents. On this Abhishek wrote a trollar reply: "Yes I live with my parents and it is a matter of pride for me that I am getting an opportunity to live with them."
Abhishek further wrote - Living with parents is the most prominent moment for me. Ever see, people will also feel good about you. Please tell that Abhishek was last seen in the movie 'Housefull 3' in 2016. Now she will be seen in her upcoming movie Manmargiya. In this, Tapi Pannu is working with them.
Abhishek further wrote - Living with parents is the most prominent moment for me. Ever see, people will also feel good about you. Please tell that Abhishek was last seen in the movie 'Housefull 3' in 2016. Now she will be seen in her upcoming movie Manmargiya. In this, Tapi Pannu is working with them.
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