In the IPL 2018 Sunrisers Hyderabad team will next take on Kings XI Punjab on April 19. Before the match, the star's batsmen Shikhar Dhawan
One of the videos is being viral, in which they seem to be enjoying the players of their own team. In this video, Shikhar Dhawan is troubling Shakib Al Hasan and Rashid Khan, who are sleeping on the flight by making a stick of Rui. They go in their noses and put a cotton stick and wake them up.
One of the videos is being viral, in which they seem to be enjoying the players of their own team. In this video, Shikhar Dhawan is troubling Shakib Al Hasan and Rashid Khan, who are sleeping on the flight by making a stick of Rui. They go in their noses and put a cotton stick and wake them up.
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