Virat said after the match, "This is a good match for the Mumbai Indians. I do not feel like wearing this orange cap. It does not make sense to wear it right now. We had a very good start, but we lost the match with our hands. The manner in which the batsman was dismissed, we lost the match. "Viraat said," We knew that there would be some dew in the second innings. We needed your 40-50 runs not 80-85 runs. Finally, the only difference is that your requirement runrate does not go up too much. "Viraat further said," Mumbai Indians gets all the credit, they bowl superbly. We did not get any chance. We bowled in that area, which took us to a good field but we got a counter attack. " Virat said that during the Mumbai Indians innings, we tried to get wickets in the middle but could not do it.
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