In the unnao of Uttar Pradesh, gangrape with a young woman and after the hunger with an eight-year-old girl in Kathua of Jammu and Kashmir, the whole country is angry. It is being opposed to see the road from social media to social media. In the same episode, the country's tennis star expressed his anger on social media, but one man accused him of being a Pakistani and said that he has no right to say anything about this country. However, after this Sania gave the best answer to that person
- Sania tweeted, "Is this really the kind of country that we want to show in the whole world?" If we still do not stand for this eight year old child, regardless of our gender, caste, color and religion, then we will not be able to stand again in this world. Not even for humanity. I'm nervous.
- Sania tweeted, "Is this really the kind of country that we want to show in the whole world?" If we still do not stand for this eight year old child, regardless of our gender, caste, color and religion, then we will not be able to stand again in this world. Not even for humanity. I'm nervous.
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