A 16-year-old video of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan on social media is getting viral. In which Saif is watching Kareena in a wired way, Bebo also seems to be eyeing him. Actually, this video is of the Gisina Award in 2002, when Kareena embraces everyone who takes the award on stage but ignores Saif.
After the breakup of Shahid Kapoor around 2007, Kareena's close proximity began to grow with Saif. Very few of the film 'Omkara' were to shoot together Saif and Kareena together.
- When the scenes of Kareena or Saif did not accompany them, they also lived on the set. After 'Omkara', their close proximity to Yash Raj Banner's film 'Tashan' shows the time of shooting.
After the breakup of Shahid Kapoor around 2007, Kareena's close proximity began to grow with Saif. Very few of the film 'Omkara' were to shoot together Saif and Kareena together.
- When the scenes of Kareena or Saif did not accompany them, they also lived on the set. After 'Omkara', their close proximity to Yash Raj Banner's film 'Tashan' shows the time of shooting.
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