Superstar Salman Khan has been sentenced to 5 years in Jodhpur Sessions Court for 20 year old Chinkara victim case. He has been sent to the Central Jail of Jodhpur. Salman will be staying here in Barrack No. 2, which is just behind the jail office. Well, the statements of Bollywood and politics related personalities have surfaced on Salman Khan's sentence. For example, her ex-girlfriend Aishwarya Rai's mother-in-law and actress Bachchan gave a reaction in this case.
Actress and Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan has said about Salman that she is feeling very bad. Jaya said, "I feel very bad about Salman. He should have been given relief. He has done many good deeds of human interest." Tell that Salman has worked with Amitabh Bachchan in many films like 'Baghban' and 'Babul'. But with Jaya, he did not make any film.
In addition to Jaya Bachchan, many people associated with the entertainment industry including Arjun Rampal, Subhash Ghai and 'Big Boss' Winner Manveer Gurjar have given their opinion on Twitter via Twitter
Actress and Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan has said about Salman that she is feeling very bad. Jaya said, "I feel very bad about Salman. He should have been given relief. He has done many good deeds of human interest." Tell that Salman has worked with Amitabh Bachchan in many films like 'Baghban' and 'Babul'. But with Jaya, he did not make any film.
In addition to Jaya Bachchan, many people associated with the entertainment industry including Arjun Rampal, Subhash Ghai and 'Big Boss' Winner Manveer Gurjar have given their opinion on Twitter via Twitter
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