भारतीय सेना रिटायरमेंट के बाद वफादार कुत्तों को इसलिए मार देती है गोली..

If we talk about loyalty, then we all know that everybody will take the name of the dog because despite the absence of the dog, the dog does not leave his boss, but if he becomes loyal, then you will become the cause of your trouble. Yes, today we are talking about the Indian Army. Tell you that the dog who is retired in the Indian Army shoots him dead.

You do not panic, too big a secret is hidden behind this. So today we will tell you the reason for the Indian army to do this.

When a person asked for answers through RTI to kill dogs after retirement, it was revealed that there is security reed in it. The Army believes that after retirement the dog can not find any such person, which can harm the country. Ho. Actually dogs know about every secret place of the army.

Apart from all this, the Army also told that if dogs are sick, then they are treated in a poor manner during that time, but after that, if a dog is not well then he is killed.
