In the 1998 Black Buck case, Salman Khan has been convicted. Jodhpur sessions court has sentenced him to 5 years. While his other friends Saif Ali Khan, Neelam, Tabu and Sonali Bendre have been acquitted. In the case, they can be sentenced to 1 to 6 years. Well if the case goes to the flashback, then a statement comes out, Salman, who gave a news channel in 2009, in a given interview.
Salman Khan had told the news channel in the conversation that, the case of black deer hunting, how did the matter finally begin. He said in the interview, "I was returning from the film shooting with Saif, Tabu, Neelam and Sonali." On the way, I saw a herd of deer and after this, my eyes fell on a child of a deer stuck in the bushes. Put him out and gave water to the deer and gave some biscuits, after which he went from there, and I think the whole matter started after that.
Salman Khan had told the news channel in the conversation that, the case of black deer hunting, how did the matter finally begin. He said in the interview, "I was returning from the film shooting with Saif, Tabu, Neelam and Sonali." On the way, I saw a herd of deer and after this, my eyes fell on a child of a deer stuck in the bushes. Put him out and gave water to the deer and gave some biscuits, after which he went from there, and I think the whole matter started after that.
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