Sunrisers Hyderabad defeated Kings XI Punjab by 13 runs in the IPL on Thursday. In this match held in Hyderabad, Punjab had to score 133 runs to win, but the whole team was out for 119 runs. The highest run scored by Punjab, both openers Lokesh Rahul (32) and Chris Gayle (23) On one occasion, the co-owner of the Punjab team Preity Zinta appeared very scared, in fact, when the Hyderabad wicket-keeper appealed to dismiss Gayle
During the match, these moments show in 1.6 overs. When Chris Gayle, standing on the batting crease, tried to hit the ball of Mohammad Nabi forward.
- Gayle went ahead but missed the ball, after which keeper Riddhiman Saha immediately hid the ball and hit him on the stumps and appealed to stump stump from the leg-umpire.
- As soon as Gayle went on, as soon as the wicketkeeper scraped the stumps, the head of Preity Zinta's face was shattered, perhaps he thought that Gayle was out and his face was worth the look.
- Although the umpire asked the help of the third umpire for the decision on the wicketkeeper's appeal. It was clear from the TV replays that even before the ball got on the stump, Gayle's feet had gone in the crease. After which they proved to be notout.
During the match, these moments show in 1.6 overs. When Chris Gayle, standing on the batting crease, tried to hit the ball of Mohammad Nabi forward.
- Gayle went ahead but missed the ball, after which keeper Riddhiman Saha immediately hid the ball and hit him on the stumps and appealed to stump stump from the leg-umpire.
- As soon as Gayle went on, as soon as the wicketkeeper scraped the stumps, the head of Preity Zinta's face was shattered, perhaps he thought that Gayle was out and his face was worth the look.
- Although the umpire asked the help of the third umpire for the decision on the wicketkeeper's appeal. It was clear from the TV replays that even before the ball got on the stump, Gayle's feet had gone in the crease. After which they proved to be notout.
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