IPL match between Rajasthan Royals and Delhi Daredevils on Wednesday in 2018. In this match, Rajasthan Royals captain Ajinkya Rahane and Darcy have to make a short start. During this, Darcy Short's fate always got worse in the second match and he was run out once again. During this, during the course of the run, his understanding with Rahane was very poor.
Earlier, losing the toss in the match, Rajasthan got the first blow to the score of 11 in 1.2 overs when Darcy Short (6) was run out.
- The reason for Darcy's run out was a misunderstanding between him and captain Rahane, which he had to pay as his wicket.
On the second ball of this over Shahbaz Nadeem, Darcy Short played shot towards deep midwicket. After that both the batsmen finished a run.
Earlier, losing the toss in the match, Rajasthan got the first blow to the score of 11 in 1.2 overs when Darcy Short (6) was run out.
- The reason for Darcy's run out was a misunderstanding between him and captain Rahane, which he had to pay as his wicket.
On the second ball of this over Shahbaz Nadeem, Darcy Short played shot towards deep midwicket. After that both the batsmen finished a run.
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