Aaliya Bhatt's upcoming movie 'Raji' has come out in the making video. In it, he told what he did in the film to get his character agreed. In the video, Alia told that she was very happy to play the Hindustani Detective Karan Johar's production house Dharma Productions shared this video on YouTube. In the video, Director Meghna Gulzar and Action Director Harpal Singh talked about the work of Aliya.
Alia Bhatt has said in the video that Moment was there when shooting for the film, when she had to drive a Jonga car. According to Alia, before that she had never run this car. Action director Harpal Singh, while stating about Aliya's dadication in the video, said that he used to practice that scene till he came to him properly.
Alia Bhatt has said in the video that Moment was there when shooting for the film, when she had to drive a Jonga car. According to Alia, before that she had never run this car. Action director Harpal Singh, while stating about Aliya's dadication in the video, said that he used to practice that scene till he came to him properly.
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