Sridevi received posthumous National Award for Best Actress. However, the jury head of the awards has revealed that they were against this honor given to this Sridevi. He told the jury members that Sridevi should not be given this award. According to one report, Shekhar says that his hand is not enough to get Sridevi's award. It has also been said in the report that Shekhar Kapoor saw the list of all nominated actors and talked about them. He also advised that Sridevi's name should not be named in this list
It has been reported in the reports about how Shekhar Kapur used to ask voters and other nominees to repeatedly discuss jury members every morning. But every time Sridevi used to get the highest number of votes. Shekhar also disclosed that he was the only member who was saying that Sridevi should not get the award. Shekhar believes that Sridevi was given the award only because he died. This is injustice to girls who have been working for 10-12 years and who have full careers in front of them. Tell that Shekhar was counted among the closest people of Sridevi.
It has been reported in the reports about how Shekhar Kapur used to ask voters and other nominees to repeatedly discuss jury members every morning. But every time Sridevi used to get the highest number of votes. Shekhar also disclosed that he was the only member who was saying that Sridevi should not get the award. Shekhar believes that Sridevi was given the award only because he died. This is injustice to girls who have been working for 10-12 years and who have full careers in front of them. Tell that Shekhar was counted among the closest people of Sridevi.
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