Lawyers on Salman Khan's bail application in Jodhpur court kept their arguments. The court will pronounce the verdict at 2 a.m. Earlier, 87 judicial judges, including sessions judge (Rural) Ravinder Kumar Joshi, who had been hearing late on Friday night, were transferred. However, Judge Joshi reached court in the morning and today there is confusion over the verdict.
The bail hearing on Salman's bail was not fulfilled on Friday. The District and Sessions Judge asked for the trial court trial. Tell that Salman Khan has been sentenced to 5 years in the case of a victim. We are telling the prisoners how are they working? Each prison is separate manual. The same manual applies to the Central Jail.
The bail hearing on Salman's bail was not fulfilled on Friday. The District and Sessions Judge asked for the trial court trial. Tell that Salman Khan has been sentenced to 5 years in the case of a victim. We are telling the prisoners how are they working? Each prison is separate manual. The same manual applies to the Central Jail.
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