In the case of rape of a minor, Asaram has been convicted by the court. Simultaneously, his Rajendra Shilpi and Sharat Chandra were also convicted. While Asaram's Chief Servant Shiva and Ashram, the cook's light has been acquitted by the court. It is being told that asaram got the punishment when he got the punishment. He asked for mercy, while referring to old age. Said: I'm old enough to judge, be merciful. It is noteworthy that for the last four and a half years, Jodhpur jail had accused Aasaram of misbehaving with his own disciple. This is the first major decision under the Poxo Act.
The fact of the case seems that Asaram can be punished for at least 10 years, provision is for life imprisonment. Given the verdict, the central home ministry has instructed Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana that there should be no violence in any aspect. There are quite a few followers of Asaram in these states.
The fact of the case seems that Asaram can be punished for at least 10 years, provision is for life imprisonment. Given the verdict, the central home ministry has instructed Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana that there should be no violence in any aspect. There are quite a few followers of Asaram in these states.
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