Directed by 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi', the direct hit (Anushka Sharma) had become a bit bold in his next film 'Badmash Company'. Those who watched the movie had said, 'Is this the same girl?' Well, after this Anushka tries different looks in every film. On the one hand, when he came out as a beautiful soul in 'Phillauri', he played a scary character in 'Fairy'. Anushka is now seen in D-Glam Avatar in her upcoming movie ' sui thaga.
Another look of Anushka has surfaced, in which it is difficult to identify. This is what they are seeing in the incarnation of Old Lady (elderly woman). They are wearing brown suit, wearing glasses, white hair, in this look, it is difficult to recognize them. However, it has not yet been confirmed that their look is for any film or for any ad campaign.
Another look of Anushka has surfaced, in which it is difficult to identify. This is what they are seeing in the incarnation of Old Lady (elderly woman). They are wearing brown suit, wearing glasses, white hair, in this look, it is difficult to recognize them. However, it has not yet been confirmed that their look is for any film or for any ad campaign.
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