52-year-old Bollywood actor Milind Soman is locked in a bond of marriage to 27-year-old girlfriend Ankita Kanwar on Saturday (April 21st). Recently, a video of Kapal has been revealed from Wedding Venue in which both Haldi Ceramani dresses are seen dancing together. Both of them feel that Milind and Ankita are very happy. With this, some photos have also been brought out from the location, in which Kapal is seen enjoying with family members. Let's say this marriage is being done in the presence of family and close friends in Alibag.
This is Milind Soman's second marriage. He married French actress Mylene Jampanoi in July 2006.
- Though after three years together, the couple divorced in 2009.
Milind is dating Ankita for nearly a year and a half. Both the families are also happy with this relationship. Currently, Ankita's real name in Delhi is Sunkusmita Kanwar.
In 2013, he started working as a cabin crew cabin executive in Air Asia. Besides Assamese, they can speak Bengali, Hindi, English, French as well.
This is Milind Soman's second marriage. He married French actress Mylene Jampanoi in July 2006.
- Though after three years together, the couple divorced in 2009.
Milind is dating Ankita for nearly a year and a half. Both the families are also happy with this relationship. Currently, Ankita's real name in Delhi is Sunkusmita Kanwar.
In 2013, he started working as a cabin crew cabin executive in Air Asia. Besides Assamese, they can speak Bengali, Hindi, English, French as well.
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