Actor Satish Kaul (64), who is known as Amitabh Bachchan of Punjabi Cinema, is living a life of oblivion today. Satish is a graduate from FTII Pune and he is the Bachamat of Jaya Bachchan and Danny. In the popular movie 'Karma', Satish has been in bed for a long time and nobody is also his mentor. Actually, after divorcing from his wife and son's shift to America, Satish opened an acting school, but he did not even go and his money was sinking. Because of this one mistake, they also became financially weak.
Satish got a spinal fracture due to slipping into Bathroom in July 2014. Because of this, he had to stay in the hospital for a long time. His condition had become such that even after the payment of the bill of medicines, there was no money left. Later, a social organization in Ludhiana helped him and he was edited into an Old Age home.
Satish got a spinal fracture due to slipping into Bathroom in July 2014. Because of this, he had to stay in the hospital for a long time. His condition had become such that even after the payment of the bill of medicines, there was no money left. Later, a social organization in Ludhiana helped him and he was edited into an Old Age home.
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