There has been debate over casting couch in Bollywood for years. It is said that big people associated with the film exploit them to give a chance to the newcomers. Now the South Indian actress Shri Reddy has made serious allegations of casting couch. He took the topless out of the film chamber office
Actually, the actress had been complaining about the casting couch from the film chamber for a long time. But there was no hearing on her.
So, he decided to oppose the topless. However, the police immediately removed the actress from there.
- She had accused of production of Tollywood producers, directors and actors on sexual abuse.
- Mr. Reddy has threatened to disclose many big names of the South Industry.
- Actress should give 75% chance to the original Telugu Striggling Actors from the industry. They should be given on the membership of the film chamber.
- A famous director, actor and politician had complained to the police against the accusations of this actress.
Actually, the actress had been complaining about the casting couch from the film chamber for a long time. But there was no hearing on her.
So, he decided to oppose the topless. However, the police immediately removed the actress from there.
- She had accused of production of Tollywood producers, directors and actors on sexual abuse.
- Mr. Reddy has threatened to disclose many big names of the South Industry.
- Actress should give 75% chance to the original Telugu Striggling Actors from the industry. They should be given on the membership of the film chamber.
- A famous director, actor and politician had complained to the police against the accusations of this actress.
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