Kapil Sharma has completely silenced the allegations on himself. They say that they know well what they are doing. Kapil said this in an interview with an English entertainment website. During this, he talked about the closure of his new show 'Family Time with Kapil Sharma', the police complaint against him, journalists and other people. In the conversation, he also targeted the X-Girlfriend Prey Simoes for the name.
Kapil said in the interview, "Those who want to ruin my career, spread the lies that they want to spread, I do not care, I am not the first person to question people for success. Satisfaction is not available, let them do whatever they have to do. I know what I am doing. " It is worth mentioning that on Friday, Kapil used hate speech against an editor of an entertainment website. Earlier, he tweeted through the tweets and then on the phone the actor was abusive. Along with that, he also filed a defamation case against the editor and his X-girlfriend and manager Preity Simoes in police. At the same time, the editor had also filed a case against Kapil.
Kapil said in the interview, "Those who want to ruin my career, spread the lies that they want to spread, I do not care, I am not the first person to question people for success. Satisfaction is not available, let them do whatever they have to do. I know what I am doing. " It is worth mentioning that on Friday, Kapil used hate speech against an editor of an entertainment website. Earlier, he tweeted through the tweets and then on the phone the actor was abusive. Along with that, he also filed a defamation case against the editor and his X-girlfriend and manager Preity Simoes in police. At the same time, the editor had also filed a case against Kapil.
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