Salman Khan is known as Bollywood Godfather. He has previously snatched many stars like Sneha Ullal, Jarrin Khan. In this list in the coming time, the name of his bodyguard i.e. Sherra's son Tiger was also going to be added. Actually there was some time already that the news was that Salman will soon launch Sher-e-Tera's son Tiger in Bollywood. But now Salman has been sentenced to 5 years in the 20-year-old black deer case, convicted. There is speculation that Tiger's career can be stuck in the middle before it starts.
Shera's son Tiger is seen alongside Salman, often in many events.
Tiger is about 24 years old, physics and looks are told from Salman Khan.
Suppose the report is that Salman can launch them, like the Sunj Punchini in production venture, production venture.
Let me tell you, where he made his brother-in-law Ayush Sharma an announcement of the debut film, Navratri. But so far no official official announcement has been done with Tiger's film.
Shera's son Tiger is seen alongside Salman, often in many events.
Tiger is about 24 years old, physics and looks are told from Salman Khan.
Suppose the report is that Salman can launch them, like the Sunj Punchini in production venture, production venture.
Let me tell you, where he made his brother-in-law Ayush Sharma an announcement of the debut film, Navratri. But so far no official official announcement has been done with Tiger's film.
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