Shah Rukh Khan's daughter, Suhana is one of the most celebrated StarKids of Bollywood. Recently, another photo of him is getting viral on social media, in which Suhana is seen with Amitabh Bachchan's grandmother ie Agastya Nanda. Actually, they went on a dinner date with StarKids Friends. This photo has been revealed from where Sundha is seen in White Crop Top and Ripped Jeans. At the same time, two friends are seen in this photo with Agasthya. Tell me, Agathya, son of Shweta-Nikhil, is younger than newest
Suhana and Agastya are quite good friends, both of whom know each other since childhood. Well, not just children, their parents are also good friends.
- Gauri-Shahrukh is often seen in events with Shweta Nanda and Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya, Abhishek, Aishwarya.
At the same time, Aryan and newcomers are also good friends, both have been seen together in college functions and parties.
Suhana and Agastya are quite good friends, both of whom know each other since childhood. Well, not just children, their parents are also good friends.
- Gauri-Shahrukh is often seen in events with Shweta Nanda and Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya, Abhishek, Aishwarya.
At the same time, Aryan and newcomers are also good friends, both have been seen together in college functions and parties.
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