Bollywood's most bold actress Rakhi film industry is going to comeback Rakhi, who has been working in hundreds of films including shy, sometimes, life, death and stain, is returning after 15 years in the film industry after a long time. Rakhi had worked last year in Bangla film Shubho Muhurt and Hindi film Dil Ki Relation in 2003.
Rakhi will return from Bangla to Hindi film, which is directing Gautam Halder. Rakhi received many offers in recent years but they kept the distance from the films. It is being said that Rakhi's short film is a screen adaptation of the classic novel Bijolibalar Mukti of Moti Nandi. The film was originally made in Bengali, but now when the maker has decided that the film should be made in Hindi then Rakhi is ready to work in this film.
The name of the film is released in Bengali and Nirvana is kept in Hindi
Rakhi will return from Bangla to Hindi film, which is directing Gautam Halder. Rakhi received many offers in recent years but they kept the distance from the films. It is being said that Rakhi's short film is a screen adaptation of the classic novel Bijolibalar Mukti of Moti Nandi. The film was originally made in Bengali, but now when the maker has decided that the film should be made in Hindi then Rakhi is ready to work in this film.
The name of the film is released in Bengali and Nirvana is kept in Hindi
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