All-rounder Hardik Pandya, who played for the Mumbai Indians in IPL, has made the fans furious with his cricket skills and stylish look. Although very few people know that the heartwarming Pandya, who has attractive hairstyles, is also very fond of expensive cars.
Recently, Hardik has purchased the new Audi A635 TDI sedan. The A6 Sedal is the best selling car of the company and 35 TDI is its most popular model.
The price of this new shining Audi car is around 65 lakh rupees. Its gasoline variant comes with an engine of 1798 cc which provides strength of 190 bhp at 4200 rpm. At the same time diesel variants have a 1968 cc diesel engine, which provides strength of 190 bhp at 3800 rpm.
This wonderful car that comes with seven speed automatic grayboxes has arranged for five people to sit. Front-end Matrix LED headlights, NEX Generation's MII Paner, 8 Super Airbags and Parking Camera Censor features this sedan in four cars.
Recently, Hardik has purchased the new Audi A635 TDI sedan. The A6 Sedal is the best selling car of the company and 35 TDI is its most popular model.
The price of this new shining Audi car is around 65 lakh rupees. Its gasoline variant comes with an engine of 1798 cc which provides strength of 190 bhp at 4200 rpm. At the same time diesel variants have a 1968 cc diesel engine, which provides strength of 190 bhp at 3800 rpm.
This wonderful car that comes with seven speed automatic grayboxes has arranged for five people to sit. Front-end Matrix LED headlights, NEX Generation's MII Paner, 8 Super Airbags and Parking Camera Censor features this sedan in four cars.
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