The marriage of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan has completed 11 years. Both of them were married on April 20, 2007. Wedding Bachchan Family bungalow was in 'Wait' and reception was at Taj Hotel. Aishwarya Rai was 33 years old at the time of marriage while Abhishek's age was 31 years. Today, the daughter of both 6-year-old daughter Aaradha
In an interview, Abhishek had said that after the premiere of the movie 'Guru' in January 2007, in the hotel's balcony, he had propped up Aishwarya. As said Abhishek, "I was quite nervous while proposing Ash, but with courage, I told him the story of the heart and Ash did not even take a second to take a second."
In an interview, Abhishek had said that after the premiere of the movie 'Guru' in January 2007, in the hotel's balcony, he had propped up Aishwarya. As said Abhishek, "I was quite nervous while proposing Ash, but with courage, I told him the story of the heart and Ash did not even take a second to take a second."
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