A video of Kareena Kapoor and Miss World Manushi Chillar is getting viral. In the video Manushi is sharing her marriage plan with Kareena. After listening to the full plan, Kareena is so impressed that she says, "I want to get married too." Then the man reminds them that they are already married. It is worth mentioning that Kareena's marriage has been done by Saif Ali Khan in 2012 and is now the mother of one-and-a-half-year-old son Timur.
In the video that Karina is talking about to marry, she is actually a promotional add-on for a jewelery brand. In the ad, it has been shown that Manushi and Kareena have gone to a wedding, which is quite boring. In the meantime Manushi says that she feels good to eat. Kareena replies that when marriage is boring, then everyone says that. With this, they ask the man how they will get married and the human beings answer that it will be like a big festival.
In the video that Karina is talking about to marry, she is actually a promotional add-on for a jewelery brand. In the ad, it has been shown that Manushi and Kareena have gone to a wedding, which is quite boring. In the meantime Manushi says that she feels good to eat. Kareena replies that when marriage is boring, then everyone says that. With this, they ask the man how they will get married and the human beings answer that it will be like a big festival.
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