Priy Zinta reached Jodhpur on Friday to meet Salman, close to the jail in a black deer hunting case. He tried hard to hide his face by wearing a hat, but he was identified. While leaving Pretty Airport, the face was hidden from the big hat. As he entered the car, he lay down to cover his face. Even while entering the jail, he kept caps and glasses. When leaving Prititi airport, the face was hidden from the big hat
Explain that after leaving Jodhpur airport, Actress Preity Zinta took a big white hat. During this time, he tried his best to hide the face in front of the reporters, but his face came in the car while sitting.
During this time, he was tried to ask questions, but without his answer, he went straight to Central Jail, sitting in the car.
Explain that after leaving Jodhpur airport, Actress Preity Zinta took a big white hat. During this time, he tried his best to hide the face in front of the reporters, but his face came in the car while sitting.
During this time, he was tried to ask questions, but without his answer, he went straight to Central Jail, sitting in the car.
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