Sanjay Dutt's biopic film Sanju's trailer has been released. Ranbir Kapoor plays Sanjay Dutt in the film, which will be released on June 29. Sanjay also praised the role of Ranbir in watching the movie's scenes. In the movie, every aspect of Sanjay Dutt's life, including every good and bad mistake, struggle, success will be shown. This is the talk of the movie. Today you are going to tell some facts related to Sanjay Dutt's life
Sanjay Dutt had told in an interview that when he first smuggled his cigarette in the bathroom, he suddenly came to father Sunil Dutt. They were very angry to see their smoking cigarette and beat them with shoes.
If news is to be believed, then Amitabh Bachchan was so impressed with the act of Sanjay Dutt that he invited Sanjay Dutt to dinner at his house. Not only that, he had given a gold chain to Sanjay in the gift too.
Sanjay Dutt had told in an interview that when he first smuggled his cigarette in the bathroom, he suddenly came to father Sunil Dutt. They were very angry to see their smoking cigarette and beat them with shoes.
If news is to be believed, then Amitabh Bachchan was so impressed with the act of Sanjay Dutt that he invited Sanjay Dutt to dinner at his house. Not only that, he had given a gold chain to Sanjay in the gift too.
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