Salman Khan is called the Godfather of Bollywood. Salman has given a lot of break in the stars in Bollywood. From Sneha Ulaal to Zarine Khan, Salman has launched the films. Salman is going to launch his sister Arpita's husband, Ayush Sharma, from the movie 'Luvaratti'. This film is currently under the shoot. In this list of Salman, another person's name was going to be added, but he is not the son of Salman's bodyguard, Sherra.
The news came a while ago that Salman is going to launch Sherra's son soon in Bollywood, but on April 5, the court has convicted Salman for a black deer case and sentenced him to 5 years. It is believed that Sherra's son got stuck in the middle before the career started. The name of Salman's bodyguard Sherra's son is Tiger. Tiger is no less than a Bollywood star to appear.
The news came a while ago that Salman is going to launch Sherra's son soon in Bollywood, but on April 5, the court has convicted Salman for a black deer case and sentenced him to 5 years. It is believed that Sherra's son got stuck in the middle before the career started. The name of Salman's bodyguard Sherra's son is Tiger. Tiger is no less than a Bollywood star to appear.
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