Chunky Pandey's daughter Ananya Karan Johar's upcoming movie 'Student of the Year 2' is debuting with Bollywood. The movie is currently being shot at Dehradun's Popular Doon International School. Apart from Ananya, Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutariya are also working. There are some photos from the sets of the film, one of which is seen in the blue blue denim jacket, while in other photos, they are enjoying the set.
Apart from this, in another photo, Ananya Muhurt shot is showing with the clipboard, in which the message of director Punit Malhotra is also written. Please tell that this movie is a sequel to the 2012 Student of the Year. Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt and Siddharth Malhotra had debuted this movie.
Apart from this, in another photo, Ananya Muhurt shot is showing with the clipboard, in which the message of director Punit Malhotra is also written. Please tell that this movie is a sequel to the 2012 Student of the Year. Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt and Siddharth Malhotra had debuted this movie.
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