Director Sajid Nadiadwala recently celebrated 80th Birthday of his father, Om Prakash Bharti, father of his first wife Divya Bharti. He had just arrived in celebration with his second wife, Wardha Nadiadwala, where he celebrated Divya's father's birthday with pompousness. Divya's father Sajid and his second wife have a happy look at this
Divya-Sajid was married in May 1992 in the presence of hair dresser evening and her husband.
- Kazi read the discourse of Tulsi Apartment in Versova, Sajid. Divya changed his name to Islam and changed his name to 'Sana'.
- Sajid had told in an interview, "We kept the secret of marriage hidden, because Divya's career was at stake. If this thing came out, the producers would be scared."
Divya Bharati was suddenly killed due to falling from the building after 6 months of marriage.
Divya-Sajid was married in May 1992 in the presence of hair dresser evening and her husband.
- Kazi read the discourse of Tulsi Apartment in Versova, Sajid. Divya changed his name to Islam and changed his name to 'Sana'.
- Sajid had told in an interview, "We kept the secret of marriage hidden, because Divya's career was at stake. If this thing came out, the producers would be scared."
Divya Bharati was suddenly killed due to falling from the building after 6 months of marriage.
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