Salman Khan has been sentenced to 5 years in a 20-year-old black-hunting case. But his Attitude is not changed even today. On Thursday, after receiving the sentence, a photo of him has been found, in which the attitudes are seen in the manner of his sitting, which was then in 1998 when the forest officers were interrogating him. The special thing is that in the fresh photo, these expressions are not visible on their faces that they have been punished for 5 years.
A video of 1998 has also been viral, in which Salman is sitting in front of the forest officers. they are being interrogated. But they are ever sticking to the table, and sometimes sitting on the chair, are taking a nap. Not only that, in one place Salman is being seen arguing with the forest officers.
A video of 1998 has also been viral, in which Salman is sitting in front of the forest officers. they are being interrogated. But they are ever sticking to the table, and sometimes sitting on the chair, are taking a nap. Not only that, in one place Salman is being seen arguing with the forest officers.
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