On Tuesday night in IPL-11, the match between Mumbai Indians and the Royal Challengers Bangalore team was fought. The hosts won the match by 46 runs. The stadium to see this match got very funny with an audience. He did such a joke in a joke that instead of that fan got a million rupees reward
During the match, this incident happened in 19.3 overs. When Anderson's fulltos ball hit Rohit Sharma on Deep Extra Kiwal, he made a fantastic six.
- On the shot of Rohit, the ball went straight between the people in the pavilion. Where a fan catches the ball with one hand.
- With the catch, the viewer won the Tata Nixon Fan Catches award. In fact, this award is given to one of the viewers who took a single catch during the match. In this, a reward of one lakh rupees is given.
- The winning bid is the fact that the fan has taken that catch with one hand. This reward is not given by taking two hands.
During the match, this incident happened in 19.3 overs. When Anderson's fulltos ball hit Rohit Sharma on Deep Extra Kiwal, he made a fantastic six.
- On the shot of Rohit, the ball went straight between the people in the pavilion. Where a fan catches the ball with one hand.
- With the catch, the viewer won the Tata Nixon Fan Catches award. In fact, this award is given to one of the viewers who took a single catch during the match. In this, a reward of one lakh rupees is given.
- The winning bid is the fact that the fan has taken that catch with one hand. This reward is not given by taking two hands.
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