Team India's star cricketer MS Dhoni has now approached the court to take over Rs 150 crore from the Amrapali Group. According to reports, when Dhoni was the brand ambassador of the Amrapali Group, he had not received his service fee for many years. In 2016, Dhoni resigned from his post. But even after two years, he did not receive his fees.
The non-profit sports company, which manages Dhoni, has filed an application for withdrawal of outstanding money against the Amrapali Group in the Delhi High Court. Explain that Varee Sports is the company that manages the management of several cricketers like Dhoni, KL Rahul, Bhuvaneshwar Kumar and South African player Faf du Plessis.
The non-profit sports company, which manages Dhoni, has filed an application for withdrawal of outstanding money against the Amrapali Group in the Delhi High Court. Explain that Varee Sports is the company that manages the management of several cricketers like Dhoni, KL Rahul, Bhuvaneshwar Kumar and South African player Faf du Plessis.
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