So far on WhatsApp, the group admin had the right to add and remove only a member, but on Whatsapp, there was a great feature. From which the admin will be able to write about the rights of the group. At the moment, on WhatsApp, for Android and iOS users, the group's description feature has officially rolled out.
To use it, the user will tap on the name of the group, the description of that group will appear. There you can write about the rules of the group. This new feature is available for iOS users, 2.18.31 version and for Android users 2.18.79 version. Let me tell you, to forward a message, now you have to go to Manu.
Only select the message, Forward further tell you that, in this new update of WhatsApp, the button forwarding message has been removed. Now to send a message, you have to go to the menu to forward. By now on selecting any message, the forward option was visible.
To use it, the user will tap on the name of the group, the description of that group will appear. There you can write about the rules of the group. This new feature is available for iOS users, 2.18.31 version and for Android users 2.18.79 version. Let me tell you, to forward a message, now you have to go to Manu.
Only select the message, Forward further tell you that, in this new update of WhatsApp, the button forwarding message has been removed. Now to send a message, you have to go to the menu to forward. By now on selecting any message, the forward option was visible.
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