Bones of Bollywood actress Sridevi will be immersed in Rameshwaram on Saturday. If news is to be believed then Sridevi's Husband Boni Kapoor has reached here with osteoporosis. Sridevi was born in Tamil Nadu, so his bones are being immersed in Rameshwaram. Explain that Sridevi died on February 24 in a Dubai hotel
According to reports, Sridevi was killed in a bathtub in a hotel in Dubai. His body was brought to Mumbai on 27th February and on February 28, the funeral was done with the state honor. After the last rites of Sridevi, Bonnie Kapoor had all thanked. He said, 'I am grateful to the fans of my family, friends, well wishers and Sridevi who stand with us'. He said, "I am lucky that I got the cooperation and love of Arjun and Anshula. They were strong pillars for me, happiness and Jahnavi.
According to reports, Sridevi was killed in a bathtub in a hotel in Dubai. His body was brought to Mumbai on 27th February and on February 28, the funeral was done with the state honor. After the last rites of Sridevi, Bonnie Kapoor had all thanked. He said, 'I am grateful to the fans of my family, friends, well wishers and Sridevi who stand with us'. He said, "I am lucky that I got the cooperation and love of Arjun and Anshula. They were strong pillars for me, happiness and Jahnavi.
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