Big Boss-11 'Fame Punish Sharma and Bandagi Kalra recently posted a romantic Kishen photo by copying cricketer Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma, in which the bandh looks exactly like Punish. . Like Anushka did Virat in a photo. After coming in front of this photo, he was being trolled on social media. While the users are telling him the Ledevil Copycat, some are saying to them that, both of them are thinking of themselves as heroes. In the meanwhile, Punish has given an answer to Heter.
Punish tweeted, "I love Mr and Mrs. Kohli, I am very respected and loved. I am a big fan of both.
- "People in such a way that I have copied Kapal, so let me tell you, yes I have done this and I will do this often because I love them and, I love love for the other.
Punish tweeted, "I love Mr and Mrs. Kohli, I am very respected and loved. I am a big fan of both.
- "People in such a way that I have copied Kapal, so let me tell you, yes I have done this and I will do this often because I love them and, I love love for the other.
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