On 24 February in Dubai, 54-year-old Sridevi died in the bathtub, due to drowning. Recently, husband Boney Kapoor went to immerse the bones in Haridwar. From where the photos of the puja are revealed. In these, they are seeing a lot of emotional emotions. In fact, before the immersion of the bones, for boney worship, sitting with the priest, he came to tears in his eyes and he was crying and crying. During this, Anil Kapoor and Manish Malhotra, who accompanied him, gave him comfort. Let me tell you, they have come back to Mumbai on Friday.
On the Sunday of the 17th day i.e. the death of Sridevi, a Prayer Meat will be kept for the peace of the soul. One of the legends of Bollywood is expected to join this prayer meet, which will be held on Sunday.
- Sridevi's Prayer Meet will be held in Chennai on Sunday. This evening will be kept from 6 to 7:30, where everyone can pay homage to them.
- Please tell, due to Sridevi's sudden death in Dubai, his body was brought to India after post mortem. His funeral was held here with the state honor. After this, Bonnie had sent peace to Rameswaram.
On the Sunday of the 17th day i.e. the death of Sridevi, a Prayer Meat will be kept for the peace of the soul. One of the legends of Bollywood is expected to join this prayer meet, which will be held on Sunday.
- Sridevi's Prayer Meet will be held in Chennai on Sunday. This evening will be kept from 6 to 7:30, where everyone can pay homage to them.
- Please tell, due to Sridevi's sudden death in Dubai, his body was brought to India after post mortem. His funeral was held here with the state honor. After this, Bonnie had sent peace to Rameswaram.
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