According to the news, the Bollywood actor Govinda's daughter spread the sensation saying that her father has no time to make a movie for her daughter. However, Tina Ahuja is not angry, but she has also been supporting her father. Tell us about Tina Ahuja that Govinda's daughter made her acting debut with the film "Secondhand Husband" in 2015, which was badly beaten at the box office. According to Tina Ahuja, she does not want her father to launch them. Tina Ahuja, expressing her wish, said that why her role is not available for 15 minutes but she wants to be a part of a good project.
Swabhimani Tina Ahuja wants to take the legacy of her father forward on her own. Tina Ahuja said that she wants to do something that will make her father feel proud of her daughter. Describing her father Govinda, Tina Ahuja said that her father is very busy signing the film, so she does not have the time to produce any film for her daughter.
Swabhimani Tina Ahuja wants to take the legacy of her father forward on her own. Tina Ahuja said that she wants to do something that will make her father feel proud of her daughter. Describing her father Govinda, Tina Ahuja said that her father is very busy signing the film, so she does not have the time to produce any film for her daughter.
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