Her daughter Jahnavi Kapoor, has started shooting for her upcoming movie 'Dhadk' for 13 days of Bollywood actress Sridevi's death. This information is given by Filmfare through a tweet. Filmfare has shared a photo in the tweet. Jahnavi looks like shooting.
Shashank Khaitan, director of the movie 'Dhadk', told that, 'Yes we have started shooting for the film, the team has taken a break, it is just a rumor. We started shooting in Mumbai and after this we will complete the Calcutta schedule. According to the reports, Jahnavi and Ishaan will shoot some scenes of the film in Bandra. Here some romantic scenes will be shot. After this, Jahnavi and Ishaan will shoot this film in Kolkata. Both of them have finished shooting the first part of the film. Let's talk about this film, remake of the Marathi film 'Saurat'.
Shashank Khaitan, director of the movie 'Dhadk', told that, 'Yes we have started shooting for the film, the team has taken a break, it is just a rumor. We started shooting in Mumbai and after this we will complete the Calcutta schedule. According to the reports, Jahnavi and Ishaan will shoot some scenes of the film in Bandra. Here some romantic scenes will be shot. After this, Jahnavi and Ishaan will shoot this film in Kolkata. Both of them have finished shooting the first part of the film. Let's talk about this film, remake of the Marathi film 'Saurat'.
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