For your information, tell that the sudden demise of Bollywood's famous actress Sridevi, her close friend Karan Johar was deeply shocked. For this reason, Karan Johar has postponed his upcoming movie for a few days. Let me tell you that Sridevi Lead was going to be seen in Karan Johar's film, but due to Sridevi's sudden demise, the film has been postponed for a few days or months.
The name of this movie was 'Shindat'. Along with his family, Karan Johar is also very impressed with Sridevi's death. Director-producer Karan Johar has not even slept for a moment due to this tragedy. A source close to him says that, "Karan has taken the responsibility of bringing Sridevi's responsibility to the responsibility of both daughters. Let me tell you that Karan is very much connected to Sridevi's two daughters. "
Let me tell you that there is a close relationship between Sridevi's family and Karan Zaheer, Karan has been supporting his family since the sudden demise of Sridevi. After Sridevi's death, Karan went to his house and met with his two daughters and had patience.
The name of this movie was 'Shindat'. Along with his family, Karan Johar is also very impressed with Sridevi's death. Director-producer Karan Johar has not even slept for a moment due to this tragedy. A source close to him says that, "Karan has taken the responsibility of bringing Sridevi's responsibility to the responsibility of both daughters. Let me tell you that Karan is very much connected to Sridevi's two daughters. "
Let me tell you that there is a close relationship between Sridevi's family and Karan Zaheer, Karan has been supporting his family since the sudden demise of Sridevi. After Sridevi's death, Karan went to his house and met with his two daughters and had patience.
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