Bollywood actor Irfan Khan on Friday revealed about his illness, saying he had neuroendocrine tumors. He will go abroad for treatment. Irrfan, who has differently distinguished himself in the industry, has acted in almost 100 films, but few know that he has also passed through the casting couch.
Irfan had revealed in one of his interviews that during the early days of his career, he had to undergo casting couch.
- Buckul Irfan, "I had offered to sleep with the directors of both Mail and Famem for work."
It is not that casting couch has to be done only by actresses, it can also happen with boys. These cases have to face both, though the girls have to struggle with much of this problem.
Irfan had revealed in one of his interviews that during the early days of his career, he had to undergo casting couch.
- Buckul Irfan, "I had offered to sleep with the directors of both Mail and Famem for work."
It is not that casting couch has to be done only by actresses, it can also happen with boys. These cases have to face both, though the girls have to struggle with much of this problem.
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